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The Parenting Revolution: How to Guide Parents to the Most Impactful Family Solutions

In this course, Dr. Justin Coulson outlines common but unhealthy parenting practices, explains children’s basic psychological needs, and explores how you can help parents develop need-supportive parenting.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Justin Coulson (Ph.D.; Co-host, Channel 9 “Parental Guidance” program; Founder of happyfamilies.com.au) uses a drawing activity with participants to illustrate how, in drawing just as in parenting, people typically revert to basic ways learned much earlier, even if they aren’t effective. Laying the groundwork for his parenting framework based on self-determination theory, Coulson outlines the matrix of parenting styles which has prevailed for decades and then shows how using self-determination theory can meet children’s psychological needs much more effectively. Coulson’s “Three Es” describe how parents can be involved with their children in ways that create a needs-supportive environment.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Justin Coulson

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