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The T.R.U.M.P. Brain: Implications for Mental Health

In this course, Professor Óscar F. Gonçalves (University of Minho) builds on political neuroscience and clinical psychology research to introduce two mind-brain pattern concepts: Threatening, Reactionary, Unforgiving, Machiavellian and Partisan (T.R.U.M.P.) and Giving, Affectionate, Nurturing, Decentered, Humanistic and Interpersonal brain (G.A.N.D.H.I.).

About this course

In this course, Professor Óscar F. Gonçalves (University of Minho) builds on political neuroscience research to illustrate processes associated with a Threatening, Reactionary, Unforgiving, Machiavellian and Partisan (T.R.U.M.P.) mind-brain pattern. Additionally, building on neurosciences and clinical psychology research, Professor Gonçalves will suggest strategies intended to promote a Giving, Affectionate, Nurturing, Decentered, Humanistic and Interpersonal brain (G.A.N.D.H.I.). The course concludes with a short Q&A session with Dr. Gonçalves.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type introductory
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Óscar F. Gonçalves

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