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Using Guided Discovery in Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy: Strengthening Hope, Purpose, and Worthwhileness

In this course, Dr. Ellen Inverso shows you how to guide a client into and then develop their adaptive mode through the questions that can strengthen the client at each stage of the process. Use of a case example helps to illustrate the core concepts.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Ellen Inverso (Psy.D., Director of Clinical Training and Implementation, Beck Institute Center for Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy) explains how to use guided discovery within the recovery-oriented cognitive therapy approach. Beginning with Beck’s guiding ideas of theory of modes, cognitive model for challenges, and guided discovery, Dr. Inverso introduces you to Teresa, a case example to illustrate how guided discovery is done. You get to learn about the stages of adaptive mode and which types of questions strengthen each stage. You find out what’s wrong with reassurance, when to use open and closed questions in the guided discovery process, and the best times to use guided discovery.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Ellen Inverso

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