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Using Motivational Interviewing with Alcohol Dependence and Depression

In this course, Dr. James Rogers demonstrates how the Trans-theoretical Model of Change and Motivational Interviewing can be applied to support a client experiencing symptoms associated with alcohol dependence and moderate clinical depression.

About this course

In this course, Dr. James Rogers works with Sam, an adult male who is experiencing symptoms associated with alcohol dependence and moderate clinical depression. Sam suffers from lack of energy, irritable mood, loss of interest in romantic and sexual feelings, and some hopelessness. These symptoms have been present continuously for over six months. Sam consumes alcohol 4-5 times per week, drinks for longer periods of time, and consumes larger quantities than originally intended. Sam knows his drinking is a problem, and he attempts to hide his drinking behaviours. This alcohol dependence, along with symptoms of depression have led to difficulties at work and with his wife. Sam is seeking treatment due to an ultimatum from his wife, however he has chosen to pursue individual treatment instead of couples therapy due to not wanting to disclose the full extent of the problems associated with the alcohol consumption and depression. Dr. Rogers uses an integrated approach working with Sam. He views and treats both of Sam's conditions as equal and primary, without making an assumption or hypothesis about which came first. Both the depression and alcohol dependence are considered primary conditions, each requiring their own screening, assessment, and treatment plan. At the same time, the two conditions are inter-related and can affect and/or exacerbate each other. Dr. Rogers utilises the Trans-theoretical Model of Change by Prochaska and DiClemente, as well as Motivational Interviewing co-created by Drs. William Miller and Stephen Rollnick. Dr. Rogers demonstrates a high use of open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections and summaries in this session, while expressing empathy and helping to elicit change talk.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type case-study
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter James Rogers

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