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Widen the Window of Tolerance: Three Proven Ways to Support Clients' Resilience

In this course, Dr. David Treleaven, Ph.D., introduces the window of tolerance as a core framework to help guide the moment-to-moment work with clients who may have been traumatised and who are easily thrown into a state of dysregulation and either hypo- or hyperarousal. Tools for re-regulation are offered.

About this course

In this course, Dr. David Treleaven, Ph.D., discusses the window of tolerance as a framework that can help clients best tolerate stress, and which can inform our interventions as mental health professionals. He offers lists of the signs of both hyperarousal and hypoarousal, conveniently organised into body/somatic, cognitive, emotional, perceptual, and social categories. Dr. Treleaven also outlines tools that can assist both practitioners and clients in either maintaining themselves in their window or getting back into it if they have become dysregulated or hypo- or hyperaroused. Offering grounded support to enhance resilience, the tools revolve around both breathing practices and physical postures.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter David Treleaven

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