Working with Lack of Insight

Clients with a physical or mental health condition sometimes lack insight about their problem. This often shows up clinically as anosognosia or denial. This course explores these two concepts, including their distinct aetiologies, presentations, and recommended clinical interventions.

About this course

If you have ever worked with a client with brain injury or Alzheimer’s, or alternatively, someone caught in the throes of addiction, chances are you have been dealing with a client’s lack of insight. The central question in such cases is: “How do you help someone who does not see how they are unwell or impaired?” This lack of insight which clients exhibit into their own condition may arise from either anosognosia (when there is a brain injury or disorder or degenerative disease) or denial, when clients shut out aspects of reality which are too painful or distressing to acknowledge. This course defines the two, explains their separate aetiologies, and shows how you can work with each type of condition.
Duration 5 hours
Format text
Type Introductory
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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