Working with Paediatric Anxiety

In this course, Rachel Tomlinson uses case examples to explain what paediatric anxiety looks like and shares numerous strategies for alleviating it.

About this course

In this course, Rachel Tomlinson, registered psychologist, uses the case example of 10-year-old Katie to illustrate how diagnosis of paediatric anxiety may occur and to underscore the relational, developmental, and psychosocial factors to consider. It’s important to keep parents engaged and motivated, which Tomlinson shows how to do through a strengths-based approach. At least half the lecture is devoted to practical strategies to reduce the anxiety. You learn about reality testing, rating scales, coping statements, and various skills to increase mind-body connection and emotional regulation.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Rachel Tomlinson

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