Working with Shadow: Case Studies

This course - a companion to “Sitting with Shadow” and “Client, Meet Your Shadow” - illustrates the working of psychological shadow through three counselling case studies.

About this course

This course illustrates the working of shadow in the lives of Daisy, Cheryl, and Randy. For each case, we tell the story first and then pose questions you should be able to answer if you would understand how clients come to store aspects of themselves in their ?shadow storehouse?. In the third section of each case, we offer an analysis, answering the questions we have posed. While you can, of course, read the story and go directly to our analysis, we recommend that you think about the questions before looking at our answers. By doing this, you will bring a deeper comprehension of the psychological issues at stake than if you were to skip your own reflection on the cases. This course is a companion course to the courses “Sitting with Shadow” and “Client, Meet Your Shadow.” The courses cover the chief aspects of psychological shadow that clinicians need to know about in order to effectively work with it in their clients. Both courses should be completed before enrolling in this companion course. The aim of the course is that, upon successful completion of it, you will be better able to help clients identify where their lives are being upended or constrained by shadow. By helping them bring that shadow to light, you will be instrumental in assisting them to achieve greater wholeness.
Duration 2 hours
Format text
Type case-study
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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