Working with Will in the Therapy Room

This course - a companion to “Principles of Psychosynthesis” and “Understanding Will” - offer practical exercises and approaches for clinical work with issues of will and spiritual emergence.

About this course

This course was designed for mental health professionals who may not have had extensive, if any, training in any of the “height psychologies”: that is, transpersonal psychologies, such as Psychosynthesis, which help clients to deal with issues of activating personal or transpersonal will and issues of spiritual emergence (emergency?). If you are not familiar with the basic concepts of will as understood by Psychosynthesis practitioners, such as the aspects of will or stages of a willed act, we highly recommend that you first do the companion course, “Understanding Will.” It would also be immensely helpful to go through the “Principles of Psychosynthesis” course in order to have a basic grounding in the paradigm and tenets of Psychosynthesis. This course aims to offer practical exercises and approaches for clinical work with issues of will and spiritual emergence. Upon successful completion of it, you will be able to: Identify presenting issues and “symptoms” in clients which may indicate a need to focus on will; Name at least seven ways of making choice conscious in session; Lead clients in exercises to experience their own will and to review how they currently use their will; Recall the six stages of a willed act, and name at least one way to help clients through each stage; Help clients to seek a clearer expression of their purpose through guided imagery; Identify clients in the throes of transformational crisis, and name attitudes which you can adopt as guide to help them through the crisis; Guide clients in an exercise to tap into their innate superconscious wisdom; Facilitate reflection by clients on their everyday experience of will.
Duration 2 hours
Format text
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter

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