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Beyond “Accessible”: Community Inclusion for Individuals with Disabilities

In this course, K. Lynn Pierce, MS, NCC, Pennsylvania State University, updates attendees on the state of community inclusion in the United States, noting that – while progress has been made towards protecting individuals with disabilities and helping them to access educational programs and other settings – much work remains to be done. She outlines how counsellors can make themselves more accessible to individuals with disabilities.

About this course

In this course, K. Lynn Pierce, MS, NCC, Pennsylvania State University, briefly traces the history of how society has tended to regard individuals with disabilities and explains the levels of inclusion that such individuals can experience, from being accommodated when they request help, through to being able to access what’s needed in their environment, all the way to equity. Different models for understanding disability are outlined and Pierce examines the language and etiquette that is most respectful and appropriate when interacting with individuals who have a disability. She identifies considerations for counsellor educators, in order that persons with a disability may be able to experience equity upon entering the counselling profession.
Duration 1 hour
Format Video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter K. Lynn Pierce

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