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Counselling Trauma Affected Clients with Diverse Abilities

In this course, Dr. Michael Brooks (North Carolina A&T State University) shares best-practice methods to assess and treat trauma-affected clients with diverse backgrounds and abilities.

About this course

Dr. Michael Brooks of North Carolina A&T State University conducts this course to help those working in mental health assess and treat trauma-affected clients with diverse backgrounds and abilities. Advocating a trauma-informed approach, Dr. Brooks uses several case studies to illustrate the principles of trauma-informed care, which include creating safe environments, collaboration between provider and client, and viewing the trauma through a socio-cultural lens. He stresses the ultra-importance of not re-traumatising the client during screening, assessment, and eventual treatment. Challenges to effective assessment are discussed, along with trauma-specific treatment models, especially integrated ones, for the treatment of trauma.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Michael Brooks

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