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Creative Arts Approaches for Reflective Practice and Self-Care in Counselling

In this course, Dr Trudi Flynn, Ph.D., University of the Sunshine Coast, explains how clinicians can use expressive therapies to practice self-care and engage in reflective practice.

About this course

In this course, Dr Trudi Flynn, Ph.D., University of the Sunshine Coast, explains that, although human consciousness is multi-faceted, we typically allow one mode of experiencing – cognitive-verbal awareness – to dominate our selective focus, resulting in disconnection from other, unconsciously-held sources of knowledge and wisdom in the self. Describing an inclusive list of expressive therapies, she shows how clinicians and clients alike can re-engage the process of connection by allowing ourselves to follow the impetus arising when involved in creative modes of expression. Elaborating the many purposes which such engagement can fulfil, Dr Flynn suggests numerous strength-based self-care arts activities (facilitating several in session), and cautions therapists to be gentle with themselves in their efforts, acknowledging the power of such processes to provoke strong emotional responses.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Trudi Flynn

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