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Establishing a Therapeutic Consciousness for Effective Therapy

In this course, Richard Hill (Mindscience Institute) poses the questions of what therapy – effective therapy is – and how to help get a client to a therapeutic consciousness through focused attention, curiosity, and nascent possibility.

About this course

In this course, Richard Hill (Mindscience Institute) explores the questions of: (1) what effective therapy is; and (2) how to help bring a client to therapeutic consciousness from disrupting consciousness. Hill explains that the attainment of therapeutic consciousness is a function of focused attention, curiosity, and nascent possibility, and examines the basic accessing question and the role of the “toward” emotions in leading to an expectant, energised client. He reviews the functions of the main neurobiochemicals, concluding that curiosity is of prime importance.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Richard Hill

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