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Evidence-Based Cognitive Behavioural Treatments for Phobias

In this course, Professor Carlos P. Zalaquett (Pennsylvania State University) introduces and illustrates the Cognitive Behavioural Treatments for Phobias.

About this course

This course introduces the Cognitive Behavioural Treatments for Phobias. Phobic reactions are among the most common anxiety disorders described in the DSM-5. Cognitive Behavioural Treatments have a strong evidence base supporting their effectiveness to treat phobias. At the core of Cognitive Behavioural Treatments for phobias is an effort to control the physiological response triggered by the feared stimulus or phobia target. Training clients in self-regulation of physiological reactions is indeed an active component of effective treatment for many phobias, but not for all. The characteristics and objectives of phobia treatment using CBT is reviewed during this presentation. Complementing this presentation is the review of specific phobias for which the cognitive behavioural treatment needs to be modified if successful outcome resolution is desired. A clinical example describing the application of apparently antagonistic trainings (e.g., relaxation training versus tension building training) is used to illustrate two different protocols for phobia treatment and the benefits of applying both in cases of clients with complex phobias. The course concludes with a short Q&A segment with Professor Zalaquett.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Carlos P. Zalaquett

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