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Looking Within Your Organisation for Lived Experience Wisdom

In this course, Hayley Purdon explains the discrepancy between the percentage of people shown in surveys to have lived experience of suicide and the proportion in organisations which have self-identified as having lived experience; the discrepancy is a function of the prevailing mindset about suicide and the resulting fear of stigma and discrimination. Purdon shows you how an organisation can unlock the potential of existing resources to provide better support for those who may be suicidal.

About this course

In this course, Hayley Purdon, founder of CriticLE, cites statistics to show how nearly two in five Australians have been close to someone who either died by suicide or attempted suicide, yet these people with lived experience of suicide are often difficult to identify in organisations due to the stigma that surrounds lived experience disclosure and the paradigm with which suicide and suicide attempts are viewed by health and other professions. Purdon explains the factors which capture the differences in the disclosure process and shares a model for integrating lived experience. Change is needed to make organisations safer places for disclosure, and to better capitalise on existing resources of lived experience within an organisation. Purdon briefly outlines what people with lived experience are learning about leadership within this emerging field.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Hayley Purdon

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