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Moving Beyond Fear and Defensive Practice with Suicidal Clients

In this course, Dr. Stacey Freedenthal, Ph.D., LCSW, focuses on the fear that clinicians with suicidal clients have, and how they can work with those clients in ways that benefit the client rather than merely protecting the clinician.

About this course

In this course, Dr. Stacey Freedenthal, Ph.D., LCSW, directly addresses what is said to be the greatest fear among clinicians: that their client will die by suicide. Defining defensive practice and detailing fear-based responses clinicians have around suicide, Dr. Freedenthal shows why interventions such as avoiding the topic of suicide, trying to talk the client out of it, or requiring a suicide contract are ineffective and often counterproductive. Instead, she recommends client-centred interventions, such as directly asking about suicidal thoughts, using a narrative approach, validating the wish to die, collaboratively developing a safety plan, and avoiding the use of emergency services unless they are necessary. Ultimately, the more that therapists can learn about effective techniques and simultaneously do self-care, the more they can experience the rich rewards of working in this area with so much potential to help a client.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type Specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Stacey Freedenthal

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