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Psychological Health and Safety in the Suicide Prevention Workforce

In this course, Carmen Betterridge (Director and Principal Psychologist, Suicide Risk Assessment Australia) overviews Work Health and Safety terms and the causes of psychological injury. She discusses the hierarchy of risk control in Australia and proposes a model of psychosocial risk management. Hypothetical case studies stimulate discussion about whether control measures put in place for the at-risk employees are timely and effective, and what is needed, going forward, for the suicide prevention work force.

About this course

In this course, Carmen Betterridge (Director and Principal Psychologist, Suicide Risk Assessment Australia) gives an overview of Work Health and Safety terms and obligations and the causes of psychological injury. She discusses the hierarchy of risk control in Australia and proposes a systematic model of psychosocial risk management, covering aspects from recruitment to transition support. Psychosocial hazard controls are examined for effectiveness and timeliness in the context of three hypothetical case studies: a seasoned “workhorse”; an inexperienced new employee; and a peer worker. Betterridge outlines what will be required to develop and maintain a stable, psychologically safe environment for the suicide prevention workforce which will help us to understand the exposures that the workforce is encountering, how those exposures are impacting them, and what the effects are on employee turnover and work satisfaction. The talk concludes with a question and answer session.
Duration 1 hour
Format Video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Carmen Betterridge

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