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Understanding Context and Identifying Needs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

In this course, Adele Cox outlines the suicide statistics of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples relative to non-Indigenous people in Australia, explains the context which has contributed to the statistics, and describes the post-incident service of NICRS which helps to support local communities in developing prevention programs and building capacity to provide postvention support.

About this course

In this course, Adele Cox, CEO of Thirrili, details the Indigenous and non-Indigenous suicide statistics for Australia generally and most of its states specifically. Given a rate of suicide deaths that is about twice as high for Indigenous as for non-Indigenous populations, it is important to understand the contributing factors. Cox discusses these - the context for the suicide rates - at individual, community, and systems levels. She explains the working model and functions of the National Indigenous Critical Response Service, a postvention program which supports local communities in developing prevention programs and building capacity to provide postvention supports.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Adele Cox

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