Your Supervision Question

In this course, Dr. Lori Russell-Chapin defines clinical supervision, explains why supervision is vital to effective counselling, and discusses how the Supervision Question method can be used to enhance the supervisory relationship.

About this course

Clinical supervision is often defined as a distinct method and approach responding to the needs of a supervisee from a supervisor who has more expertise than the supervisee. This reciprocal professional relationship provides multifaceted responsibilities from supervision evaluation to teaching skills to providing necessary feedback for improving counselor efficiency and effectiveness. One of the most essential methods of obtaining supervisory needs to clarify supervision expectations from the beginning and request a Supervision Question for each session from the supervisee. This expectation promotes supervisee accountability and independence. Based upon the Supervision Question, the supervisor will more efficaciously select the best supervision theoretical model and fit. In this course, Professor Lori Russell-Chapin (Bradley University) covers the following: 1. Defining clinical supervision; 2. Understanding the need for a professional reciprocal relationship and; 3. Identifying the need for the Supervision Question and its corresponding supervision models.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Lori A. Russell-Chapin

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